Troubleshooting T-Max® Manager/Pro Wired to Rooms

This section is to aid you in troubleshooting a salon where a T-Max® Manager/Pro is wired to timers in your salon using daisy-chained communication cables. Scroll down until you find the problem you are experiencing.

I am having problems with communications between my T-Max® Manager/Pro and the rooms

  1. Is this a new installation?
    1. Yes, try auto addressing. Does it work?
      1. Yes > Done
      2. No > Go to Step 2
    2. No, they were working.
      1. Did you have a brown out or power surge?
        1. Yes > Go to Step 5
        2. No > Continue
      2. Did you change anything?
        1. Yes > Check the work done prior to the problem.
        2. No > Continue
      3. Was there work being done in your salon prior to this problem?
        1. Yes > Check all cable connections to make sure nothing arced (blackened contacts or cable ends). If evidence of arcing evident, go to step 5.
        2. No > Continue
      4. Do all timers have power?
        1. Yes > Go to Step 2
        2. No > Apply power to all timers then Manager. You may need to auto address.
  2. Did you use T-Max® cables?
    1. Yes > Go to Step 3
    2. No > Probably a cable problem. Try using a certified T-Max® cable.
  3. Are the timers in the rooms wireless ready?
    1. Yes > Make sure that the modular cables are not connected to the wireless (RJ-11) port on the back of the timers or tanning beds. If they are, connect them to the RJ-22 (smaller) ports. If your tanning units are manufactured by ETS, make sure the bypass plugs that came with the tanning beds are not installed then auto-address. Did this fix the problem?
      1. Yes > Congratulations!
      2. No > Go to Step 4
  4. Were the cables modified in any way?
    1. Yes > Probably a cable problem. Use an un-modified T-Max® cable.
    2. No > Go to Step 5
  5. Did you use a coupler to connect two cables together to make it longer?
    1. Yes > Probably a problem with the coupler. Try a single, longer T-Max® cable.
    2. No > Go to Step 6
  6. Remove the modular cable from the T-Max® Manager, then cycle power to the T-Max® Manager. Does the T-Max® Manager still indicate beds are connected even though the modular cable is disconnected?
    1. Yes > The T-Max® Manager has a problem. Replace the communications chip in the T-Max® Manager. If the problem persists, the T-Max® Manager needs to be serviced.
    2. No > Reconnect the cable and go to Step 7
  7. Is the T-Max® Manager seeing some of your beds or none of your beds?
    1. None > Make sure the cable is connected between the T-Max® Manager and the first room in the daisy chain. Try auto addressing.
    2. Some > Check order of wiring. If wiring is out of numerical sequence, draw a map of your salon showing the order of the daisy-chain. Check cable between last bed the Manager sees and the first bed not seen. Did this fix the problem?
      1. Yes > Congratulations!
      2. No > Go to Step 8
  8. Problem still persisting?
    Cycle power to each timer in the salon. If the timer is on the wall, unplug power from the wall outlet and plug it back in. If the timer is in the tanning unit, turn power off to the tanning bed then back on. Then cycle power to the T-Max® Manager. Is the problem resolved?

    1. Yes > Congratulations!
    2. No > Go to Step 9
  9. Remove power from all timers except room 1 (if the timers are in the tanning units, turn off the circuit breaker to that timer. If the timer in the room is a T-Max® timer on the wall, un-plug its power supply from the outlet). Cycle power to the Manager. Does it see room 1 and no others?
    1. Yes > Apply power to timers in the rooms one at a time, cycling power to the Manager each time you add a timer. Make sure the Manager sees only the timers you add. When you find a bad timer (when you apply power to the timer the T-Max® Manager displays errors), remove power from that timer and continue until all bad timers are found.
      1. Go to the timer (or timers) that you determined to be the cause of the problem. Make sure the timer is not set to address 0. If it is, reset the address to the correct room number. Did this fix the problem?
        1. Yes > Congratulations!
        2. No > Replace communications chips on the timers in the rooms causing problems.
    2. No > Remove power from the timer in room number 1 and apply power to timer 2. Cycle power to the Manager. Does it see that room and no others?
      1. Yes > Apply power to timers one at a time, cycling power to the Manager each time you add a timer. Make sure the Manager sees only the timers you add. When you find a bad timer (when you apply power to the timer the T-Max® Manager displays errors), remove power from that timer and continue until all bad timers are found.
        1. Go to the timer (or timers) that you determined to be the cause of the problem. Make sure the timer is not at address 0. If it is, reset the address to the correct room number. Did this fix the problem?
          1. Yes > Congratulations!
          2. No > Replace communications chips on the timers in the rooms causing problems.
      2. No > You will need to replace the communications chips in each timer in the salon.

When a session ends, I get two dots on my T-Max® Manager/Pro and cannot start another session

This is the clean room indication, signalling the room has been used and needs to be cleaned before the next client enters. If the timer in the room is a 3W/G2™, press and hold the Up button on the 3W/G2™ in the room until the display reads 0. If the timer in the room is a T-Max® Certified tanning bed timer in the bed, refer to the tanning unit’s user guide regarding the clean room indication.

The Manager will indicate the room is in the ready state once the clean room indicator has been cleared in the room.

The T-Max® Manager/Pro is sending time to the T-Max® timer in the room but the tanning unit is not energizing

If the timer in the room is installed in the tanning unit, contact the tanning unit manufacturer.

If the timer in the room is a T-Max® 3W/G2:

  • Check the circuit breaker for the tanning unit and make sure it is not tripped.
  • Make sure the two wires from the tanning unit are connected to the “J3-Contact” screw terminals on the back of the 3W/G2™.
  • Refer to the tanning unit manual and make sure you have the correct two wires connected to the “Contact” screw terminals on the back of the 3W/G2™.
  • Disconnect the two wires from the “J3-Contact” screw terminals. Holding the insulated part of the wires, touch the two metal ends together. If the tanning bed energizes, the 3W/G2™ will have to be serviced or replaced. If the tanning bed does not energize, then the tanning unit has a problem.

Safety note: There may be as much as 270V on these two wires. Make sure that the person performing this test only holds the insulated part of the wires. If you or your maintenance person is not comfortable performing this test, contact a licensed electrician or a certified tanning bed technician to perform this test!

I no longer get my clean room indication in one or more of my rooms

Set parameter 9 on the timer in the room to 1 (refer to the T-Max® Manager/Pro or the timer’s user guide. If this does not fix the problem, look at the decal on the timer. If the timer in the room has flat buttons, the decal may have to be replaced.