Frequently Asked Questions

Setting up front desk control of your tanning salon doesn’t have to be hard. T-Max® strives to supply you with easy-to-use components so you can concentrate on actually running your salon. However, we know you may still have questions. Here are a few answers to the most common questions we receive.

How Many rooms can the T-Max® Manager Control?

The T-Max® Manager can control up to 128 rooms.

If I get a tanning bed with a T-Max® Certified Timer in it, do I still need a T-Max® 3W in each tanning room?

No. If the tanning bed you have or are purchasing comes with a T-Max® Certified Timer, you do not need a T-Max® 3W in each taning room. The tanning bed already “speaks T-Max®.”

If I want to control my salon from a computer do I still need one of the T-Max® Managers?

Yes. The T-Max® Manager Touch, T-Max® Manager/G2™ and T-Max® Manager connect to your computer and communicate with the tanning units. They function as translators, transmitting commands from the computer to the tanning beds and receiving status updates from each unit for complete control of your entire salon.

Do I have to have a computer to control my salon with the T-Max® system?

No. You can use the T-Max® Manager manually or with a computer.

If I only have a couple of rooms and don’t want to control my salon with a computer, do I have to have a T-Max® Manager?

No. You can use a T-Max® 3W by itself or you can connect two T-Max® timers together, one at the front desk and one in the tanning room. The T-Max® 3W at the front desk will control the T-Max® 3W (or T-Max® Certified timer in the tanning bed).

If I have a T-Max® Manager at the front desk, can the customer change times in the tanning room?

No. The T-Max® Manager Touch, Manager G2™, or Manager Pro lock out most of the tanning bed timer functions in the room. Your customer cannot change times in the tanning rooms. However, the customer can always stop the tanning session at any time as a safety feature.

If my T-Max® Manager fails, is my salon down?

No. If your T-Max® Manager Touch, G2™ or Pro fails, you can still use the timers in the room manually, so your salon is not down.

Will new T-Max® 3W/G2s work with older T-Max® 1As, 3As and other older T-Max® timers?

Yes. We made every effort to ensure all current T-Max® 3W/G2s and T-Max® Certified timers are 100% compatible with all previously made T-Max® timers.

Will the G2™ Wireless modules work with the older AP900 Wireless modules?

Yes. We know not every salon owner can afford all new timer equipment when adding or replacing tanning beds. We make sure all new T-Max® units are fully compatible with older units.

Will the G2™ Wireless modules work with older T-Max® timers?

Yes. Simply get a G2™ Access Point and G2™ Power Injector for any older T-Max® timer you have. We make sure all new T-Max® units are fully compatible with older units.

Does the T-Max® tell me when a room is dirty?

Yes. Once the tanning time expires, the T-Max® tanning bed timer and T-Max® Manager Touch, G2™ or Pro will indicate that the room is dirty. Once the room is clean, simply press a button on the timer in the tanning room to clear the “clean room” indicator. Refer to the timer’s user guide for the clean room indication and how to clear it.

Why do T-Max® 3W/G2s in the tanning rooms need separate power from the T-Max® Manager?

Two reasons:

  1. If power is removed from the T-Max® Manager while the client is tanning, their session will not be interrupted
  2. If the T-Max® Manager fails, you can still use the timers in the rooms to run your salon so you are still in business.

I currently have another timing system. Do I have to rewire my salon in convert to T-Max?

No. With the G2™ Wireless Modules, there is no longer a need to re-wire your salon to convert from another timing system to the T-Max® timing system!