T-Max® 3W/G2™ controlling another timer (master-slave) Wireless

This section is to aid in troubleshooting problems you may be experiencing using a T-Max® 3W/G2™ timer in a “master-slave” configuration; meaning a “master” 3W/G2™ is controlling a “slave” timer in the room (either another 3W/G2™ or a T-Max® Certified timer in the tanning bed) using our G2™ Wireless Adapters. Scroll down until you find the problem you are experiencing.

The T-Max® 3W/G2™ outside the tanning room counts down but the timer in the room does nothing

The 3W/G2™ at the front desk must be set to address 0 and the timer in the room (whether it is a 3W/G2™ or T-Max® Certified timer in the tanning unit) must be set to address 1. Refer to the 3W/G2™ user’s guide.

The T-Max® 3W/G2™ shows a number other than 0, is beeping and will not do anything when I press the buttons

  1. Make sure the timer in the room is set to address 1. (Refer to your user manual)
  2. Make sure the G2™ Access Points are mounted high enough, both at the front desk and in the room, so that they clear any metal. Make sure the G2™ Access Point in the tanning room is NOT mounted to the back of the tanning bed.
  3. Make sure the wireless modules at the front desk are at least two feet apart. Also make sure the wireless modules at the front desk and in the rooms are mounted vertically and high enough that no metal is in between the wireless modules in the rooms and the ones at the front desk.
  4. You may need to change frequencies on your G2™ Access Points.
  5. To change the frequencies on the wireless modules, remove the RJ-11 cable from the G2™ Access Point. Remove the back cover and pull the circuit board out. Holding the G2™ Access Point circuit board upright, locate the three jumpers to the left of the modular connector. Remove them and store for safekeeping (do not put them back on). Put the circuit board back into the G2™ Access Point Housing and install the back cover. Reconnect any cables. Repeat this procedure with each wireless module. Finally, cycle power to the T-Max® Manager. Did this fix the problem?

After the session ends, the display shows two dots and I can’t start another session

This is the clean room indication, signalling the room has been used and needs to be cleaned before the next client enters. If the timer in the room is a 3W/G2™, press and hold the Up button on the 3W/G2™ in the room until the display reads 0. If the timer in the room is a T-Max® Certified tanning bed timer in the bed, refer to the tanning unit’s user guide regarding the clean room indication.

The 3W/G2™ will return to the ready state once the clean room indicator has been cleared in the room.

I have more than one Master/Slave pair setup and cannot get them to communicate properly

Each wireless pair (pair being the T-Max® 3W/G2™ at the front desk and the 3W/G2™ or tanning bed in the room) must be set to unique frequencies from other pairs. There are seven different frequencies that can be set. Contact Applied Digital, Inc. for instructions on setting the frequencies.